More drivers caught overloading lorries with workers
Number of notices issued on the rise, but other violations have fallen: LTA ST, Published on Oct 26, 2013 KEEPING TO THE LIMIT: While most lorry loads keep within the designated passenger loads, an increasing number are violating the maximum limit. -- ST PHOTO: MARK CHEONG GOING DOWN: Unsafe practices, such as these workers sitting atop a pile of cargo on a lorry (above) in 2009, have dipped since new laws were passed. -- ST FILE PHOTO By Jalelah Abu Baker THE number of lorry drivers caught carrying too many workers on their vehicles is on the rise, going by latest figures provided by the Land Transport Authority (LTA). There were 559 notices issued to drivers for carrying too many passengers on lorry load decks for the first eight months of this year alone, surpassing the number of notices issued for the whole of last year. There were 429 notices issued last year, a jump of more than eight times from the 51 in 2011. Since September last yea...